
Friday, October 28, 2016

My Goals

I have been tasked with writing a goal, and this was back before I completely changed my subject, so at first I really struggled with it. At the time, I was still sticking with my conspiracy theory blog idea, but I realized that I couldn't find a real goal to blog about. At first I chose to set a goal of blogging 20 times throughout the year, but that wasn't allowed.

Then I thought of this idea, and totally redid my blog as a whole. I even came up with a goal completely unrelated to the blog or to school, and it sounds like that was what we were supposed to do. Any who, I might as well get into the goal. In the mean time while I collect my thoughts, here's a picture of a penguin that just reached a goal (I think).
A very happy penguin. He must have completed a goal. Courtesy of a2ua

I've decided to blog about 30-40 times (25 or so movies which = 1 every week or so; 5-15 blogs about other stuff), which is ambitious, but should be fun. However, I then realized that it wouldn't be counted as an actual goal.

I then came to my final decision. By June, I want to have gained enough knowledge of film scores and composing from watching movies to be able to have written a total of four different pieces of music. That will include both absolute music and film scores. I won't be including other projects that I've already started and/or finished before publishing this, which is two in the past three months and four in total.

I've decided to set this goal because I want to choose something that could actually have an impact on my life. In this case, I'll be able to gain experience to expand my hobby/career. I also want to get to a point where I can write a good ten minutes of music within the span of a week, and right now it takes me an average of five hours per minute, so there's a lot of improvement to be made.

I just read an article that lists fifteen reasons why you should blog. Out of all the fifteen, I suppose I'm blogging because of the second reason, "You'll become a better thinker". In a sense, I'm not really becoming a better thinker about life in general, just about music. I've already seen that I'm paying more attention and seeing (or hearing) more things in music than before. And by the time I've hit as many posts as I'd like to, I'll probably be a five times better music listener and composer than before.

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